Wednesday, 4 May 2011


This is my class (:
So the last few days have been pretty random. Normally on these sort of days everyone would be pretty sad and depressed and all that but nowadays pretty random stuff have been happening. Anyhow, yesterday was freezing. I have to get ready for winter and already here in Sydney the temperatures have been going down to 12 degrees. Anyhow, yesterday I had sports the first two periods, so my class is full standing there in the mud shivering like shit. We were doing athletics (once again) and we were doing discus. Of course i get the worst out of everyone except probably half of all my friends. Most of us are complaining and groaning and the teacher tells us not to . So next we do 100 metre sprint and when we ran the mud would full soak into our socks and Priya is full screaming and after like 50 metre she stops and starts walking :L I kept laughing that period for some reason and when i laugh i always step back ALOT , and Karen was standing right behind me when I'm cracking up like an idiot and her perfectly white sports shoes gets mud all over them :/ Afterwards Keanu full walks up to her and starts stepping on her other shoe, and says that he's trying to make a matching pair :L
Karen + May

Some of my friends (:

Priya + Me

So today, we had an assignment due, and no one has finished it :/ well apart from a few ppl like me :L (A) and everyone was planning to copy off people and since we had a substitute for Maths, Vanessa decides to copy my assignment. At lunch today it was hotter than usual and Karen decides to stalk the year sevens. So we go to the IA quad to talk to them and then she starts throwing jelly everywhere, like literally everywhere. To be honest i wonder what happens in Karen's head :/ We got a a longer lunch today but that meant shorter last period, and I know that's meant to be good but we had a test :/ so that meant we only had 30 minutes to write an exposition and considering that I'm only in year eight and I'm a pretty shit writer that meant I'm probably gonna fail. Karen gave up half way and spent her time writing on her hand, Priya decided to write random shit in the last 10 minutes, Shivaany kept turning around to talk, Keanu was sleeping most of that time and I think the only person concentrating was May :L I could hear Vanessa and Priya whisper behind me and I could see them checking the clock a lot :s At recess, me and Vanessa were going to random places and decided to spy on random people. So we decided to spy on this girl that keeps trying to ignore us, and i think she got scared of us and she walked away :L so me and my friends decided to take her place (: and when she came back, she avoided contact with us :L

So that was just a quick blog to tell you about my random happenings :)

ooh yeaa, most of these photos are not my photography, they're Priya's.

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